Why Recycle ?

Getting People to Recycle

Recycling services are available to over 95% of citizens, yet many people still don't recycle. Are you one of them?

People who run recycling programs need to understand why some people jump on the band wagon, and why others don't.

People are motivated to recycle, if they understand the benefits which could be:

  • Extending the life of a landfill
  • Making a contribution towards a better environment
  • Reducing pollution and conserving non-renewable resources
  • Doing the 'right thing'
  • Helping local groups and businesses create jobs
  • Supporting the economy
People are motivated to recycle, if they know what to do, like:
  • How to prepare materials for collection
  • Having clear instructions about where the depots are
  • When materials are collected on their street
OR If they feel the process is convenient.

Factors that Discourage People from recycling

People are discouraged from recycling when they are:

  • Misinformed, believing that waste is not a problem, conservation is not an issue, and/or energy and resources are abundant;

Indifferent, convinced that:

  • 'Out of sight, out of mind', or that they generate an 'insignificant amount' of recyclable waste.

Inconvenienced, claiming:

  • A lack storage space in the home for recyclables;
  • It is too time-consuming to prepare materials;
  • The depot is too far away or has inconvenient hours;
  • They have had a bad experience (eg. missed pick-ups);
  • The collection schedule is too complex or there are unusual pick-up locations (eg. front yard for recyclables vs back lane for trash).

What does recycling mean?

  • People saving their recyclables for the curb or depot
  • The materials being collected and prepared for market
  • Industries buying those materials back
  • Transporting shipments of materials to buyers
  • People buying new products that have been made from recycled materials!

Have you seen this symbol before?
It's called a mobius loop (pronounced: mo-bi-us)
and it is recognized around the world.

Each arrow stands for the 3 main components of the recycling system:

  • The companies that make products and sell them to households and businesses.
  • People who buy products and separate their recyclable trash.
  • The recycling industry that collects, sorts and processes our recyclable materials, and gets them back to the manufacturers who will make new products from them.
Imagine each arrow supplying goods or materials to the next one. If one arrow stops doing its job, waste will result. It's the continuous cycle that makes the recycling system work.

Is recycling the only answer?

We all know the benefits of recycling, but remember the 3 R's? Well, recycling is the 3rd 'R' -- after reduce and reuse!

Keep on recycling, but do these things first:

  • Reduce the amount of waste you generate!
  • Think before you throw it away. Can it be repaired or used again by someone else?
  • Compost organic food and yard wastes.
  • Use both sides of the paper.

Watch out for packaging!

  • Don't buy products that are overpackaged.
  • Purchase refillable products or products in recyclable containers.
  • Don't buy single-serve or convenience packages.

Buy environmentally-friendly products!

  • Avoid disposable items such as diapers, paper napkins and cups.
  • Purchase durable and repairable goods.
  • Make your own non-toxic household cleaning products.

Stay informed!

  • Become an advocate for the environment.
  • Keep looking for ways to minimize waste to reduce your impact on the environment.

Green Networld
Westfield, Massachusetts
Email: networld@westfield-ma.com

Last update: 11/09/1999