Compost worms

Yard waste is the second largest component (by weight) of the municipal solid waste stream. Every year each person creates 360 pounds of food and yard waste. Yard waste is 20% of the solid waste stream. (Source: Composting Page - from Canada's Office of Urban Agriculture)

There are 7,500 recycling programs in the U.S. and over 3,000 yard waste composting programs. (Source: "Recycling and Buy Recycling Fact Sheets" America Recyclers Day)

A compost pile requires a good mixture of ingredients, including carbon rich materials, such as dry leaves or straw, and nitrogen-rich materials, such as green grass clippings, certain kitchen wastes or manure. Yard trimmings and food scraps make-up about one-fourth of our waste stream, so composting is an effective way to decrease landfill. One-third of the existing dumps in the United States are expected to reach full capacity within the next three years. (Source: Earth Day 1990)

Yard Trimmings


  • Approximately 29.8 million tons of yard trimmings ( including grass, leaves, tree, and brush trimmings) were generated in 1995.>


  • Yard trimmings made up 14.6 percent of the MSW stream in 1995.


  • In 1995, nearly 30.3 percent of yard trimmings were composted.
  • Communities sponsored 3,300 yard trimming programs in 1995.

    Food Scraps


  • Nearly 14.0 million tons of food scraps were generated in 1995.


  • Food scraps comprised approximately 6.7 percent of the MSW stream in 1995.


  • In 1995, approximately 4.1 percent of food scraps were composted.

    For more information on composting visit Rotweb:
  • Green Networld
    Westfield, Massachusetts

    Last update: 11/09/1999